
Submission of Congress Bids

1. Introduction

The WCVA will hold a Veterinary Anaesthesiology Congress (VAC) every 3 years. The 10th WCVA was held in Glasgow, Scotland 2009, 11th Congress in Cape Town, South Africa September 24 – 27, 2012 and 12th WCVA is scheduled September 1 – 4, 2015 in Kyoto, Japan.
Venues will be distributed around the world and will be decided by the Council. Any unit interested in organizing a future WCVA Congress is required to conform to the following format and rules.

2. Bids

2.1 A detailed plan of the bid should be sent to the President and the Secretary of the WCVA with the designated chair being a veterinary anaesthesiologist. If the Executive Committee of the WCVA is satisfied with the quality of the document, the bid will be put to a vote of the entire Council.
2.2 The organizer/chairperson will be notified within 30 days of the WCVA Council vote.
2.3 The applicant must propose a venue in an attractive location with high quality facilities and reasonable costs to ensure good attendance.
2.4 The venue should be accessible by common transportation means. Close proximity to an international airport is essential.
2.5 Lodging needs should accommodate up to 500 persons but meeting capacity should be somewhat higher considering local attendance possibilities.
2.6 The detailed plan should address at least the following:
2.6.1 Date (Past WCVAs have been for the most part held around the first or second week of September.)
2.6.2 Location: Preferably in association with a veterinary school.
2.6.3 Size and facilities of the congress center 2.6.4 Availability and cost of accommodation
2.6.5 Local and international transport
2.6.6 Details of any visa requirements (all attendees, speakers, accompanying persons, exhibitors, and everyone else attending the Congress must have the right to enter the country where it is located).
2.6.7 Ideas for a social program
2.6.8 Rough plan for scientific program
2.6.9 Draft budget. The final budget may not be very different that the draft one.
2.6.10 Within the budget, US $10 is to be included for each person registered paid to the WCVA.
2.6.11 A written commitment for the sponsoring organization, e.g., college or university that accepts full financial responsibility of the congress.

3. Relationship with other meetings and support groups

3.1 The host organization or group must give proper consideration to including joint meetings such as the AVA, ACVA, ECVAA, and AAVPM.
3.2 These meetings must not conflict with the WCVA but can very likely augment the scientific program.
3.3 Supporting associations should be given credit on the program but the title of the congress must be listed as XX World Congress of Anaesthesiology.
3.4 Once a date and location for a WCVA has been decided, other affiliated associations must agree to avoid organizing national or international meetings which may clash.

4. Acceptance

4.1 Within 30 days of the bid being accepted, the organizer/chairperson must send to the WCVA Secretary a signed letter of agreement. This will then be countersigned by the WCVA President and a copy returned to the host organization.

Rev 2012